Sunday, January 26, 2014

Made it to day 10!

Not much to say today. We had a short grocery run and bought veggies and lean meats, spices, sugar free coffee creamer, PB2, and some Trader Joe's tempura chicken for my daughter. The grocery store wasn't a big pile of temptation either.
We experimented some more with different recipes... our brownies became 'peanut butter cup cupcakes' filled/frosted with PB2 and were really good.
I had my second cup of cream of chicken soup, the first was horrid... I'd avoided it since then. But this time, with a drop of bouillon, a little grilled chicken, and Tony's seasoning, it was actually good.
Our second order is on it's way, we waited a little too long to order so we're basically going to be out of Medifast meals when it arrives. Which means some of the things that aren't getting much 'love' (Chili, Cream of Chicken Soup, Pancakes) are all going to get eaten, some of them daily, and other things like crunchy/chewy bars are about to be knocked out of rotation for a day or two unless the order gets here early.
 This isn't a terrible thing, but it will remind us to re-order a little sooner in the future. Several new things are being added to our favorites this order, so that's nice to have coming.
This week is looking to be a pretty easy one.  We've got the RED Ball this weekend, and historically they have provided a relatively healthy meal for us, so I'm pretty sure as long as I don't eat the bread and potatoes/rice that it will qualify for Lean and Green. Honestly I think the harder meal will be breakfast the next morning, when I'll be having a Medifast shake and not an omelette and crepes.

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