Saturday, March 28, 2015

Time to stop hovering.

I'm not committed right now. This is fairly obvious, since I'm not tracking every day, not using my spreadsheets, not blogging every day. I got into a rut where blogging was boring. Then I had my injury. Then the holidays.

Time for no more excuses. I've started a challenge on BGG to lose weight.

I'm going low-carb, but not Medifast.

Today, cheese omelet and bacon for breakfast. I'm going to go to Sam's and buy a ton of my protein shakes.

Dinner I'll do fish or chicken with some mushrooms or beans. Beans are going to be the most carby thing I eat on a day, and I really hope to keep my carbs well under 100g a day.

I can run! On the treadmill, and slowly, and I have to shift to walking, but I can do it. So it's time to start training for the 5k in 2 weeks. And the next 5k in 5 weeks. I expect to end up walking the majority of both of them, but we'll see!

I'm tracking, as of now. It's so easy not to track.

I should come up with some sort of internalized reward/punishment system for tracking or not. If I track all month of April, maybe I buy myself something big? As soon as I type that I realize that just tracking wouldn't be enough for me to justify a big purchase.

Anyway, blogging is a step. It gets me thinking about it.

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